Mr. Canistro

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Posted: December 8, 2014

L/A - Complete the journal sheet for Butterfly Revolution Math - Complete sheet 1.6 - exploring the Pythagorean Theorem

Posted: December 4, 2014

L/A - Finish your draft for the Christmas Quest.  We will be using photohop tomorrow to work on this Math - Finish the worksheet we started in class - Finding the distance between two points using Pythagorean Theorem.

Posted: December 2, 2014

Math - Complete worksheet 1.5 - The Pythagorean Theorem L/A - What do you think The Butterfly Revolution looks like at this point?  Create an illustration in your novel notebook.

Posted: December 1, 2014

L/A - Brainstorm ideas for the Xmas Quest Math - Finish any corrections on your test and return by Friday

Posted: November 26, 2014

L/A - Continue working on your ad campaign for Stand and Deliver.  Remember the writing component! Math - Study for the test tomorrow.  Review the practice test we did in class - it's EXACTLY like your test tomorrow! If there is a snow day tomorrow, the test will be first thing Friday morning.  Be prepared!

Posted: November 24, 2014

L/A - New marketing campaign for Stand and Deliver will be due on Friday.  This needs to include 2 posters and a rationale to explain who would be interested in seeing this movie. Math - Complete sheet 1.4, Estimating Sq. Roots

Posted: November 19, 2014

L/A - Complete the novel study project.  This should reflect the culmination of two weeks worth of work.

Posted: November 18, 2014

L/A - Work on you novel study project.  This is a major assignment for your report card that will be issued on Friday.

Posted: November 17, 2014

L/A - Develop three ideas that could be turned into 30 - 60 second public service announcements. Math - Complete the sheet on measuring line segments (1.3) Science - Finish your water cycle model.

Posted: November 13, 2014

Math - Complete the sheet on Sq. Root. Science - Complete the question about ground water and surface water.  Practice pronouncing aquifer.
